I'm working on a campaign for Exalted, set in the lost city of Rathess. I've gone from the material found in different books, but I've also taken quite a few liberties in how my Rathess looks.

The city itself is built as a huge circle with a diameter of roughly 22 km, with eight districts based on the different gods (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and three for Luna). Each district radiates out from the pyramid in the center (representing the sun) in four sub-districts with differently coloured houses (yellow for the innermost for the sun, and purple at the outermost for the sky). The blue district is under water, but still follows the same rule. And at last, since this is a city in the middle of the jungle, that has been lost for thousands of years, the jungle has taken over a bit.

Even though this is a work in progress, I would love some feedback. I'm trying to get at a sort of 80s action cartoon feel, and while I think the title very much fits the bill I feel like the map is a bit to light right now.

Rathess Map.jpg