here is the final on the world map. hope its the final anyway...
Actually I decided not to use the first one I came up with, even though the volcano is so nice. So this is the first map.... I'll have two more location maps that detail the areas that the story unfolds in.
here is the final on the world map. hope its the final anyway...
I think a slightly stronger differentiation between the land and the water on this map kinda cartouche thingy would really make it jump up and kick some people in the jaw, thus making said jaws drop uncontrollably, potentially for day. Of course it is late and I am hopped up on cold meds. Great Stuff!!
Something witty and pithy
With the extra labelling I like it a lot. I don't mind that there aren't any cities anymore.
But you are going to put cities in the next two maps, right?![]()
I am interested to see where you are going to take us.
Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.
Gandwarf has fallen into shadow...
Continuing coolness!!
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Map number 2 (actually three, but let's not get too technical) ... And, sorry Gandwarf... no cities... but the goblin caves near the eastern Mountain Border is sorta a city ...
Anyway .. still have some labeling to do and what not... Thought I'd post this up and let ya'll have a look
Love the perspective and the shadows. Took me about 15 seconds to realize why that whited-out bit was whited out directly under "Crystal" brain must not have been turned on.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
I have a few comments. None are meant to hurt, so I hope I do not
I like the angle you take with this map. The perspective is nice and has a kind of fresh feel to it.
I think you line style for the river?/path? should be a mote crisper. Plus it is not immediately clear whether it is a river or a path to me. It looks great in the thumbnail, but when you zoom in it tends to be a bit fuzzy compared to the rest of the linework.
I think the same can be said for the mountain outlines. The thick soft line doesn't play very well with the intricate parquet type of pattern fill that you are using for the mountains. I suggest trying something by hand instead of a pattern fill. Your handwork is so good and prevalent in the forest areas... I think the mountains should get some similar hand work.
If you are going for a look that makes this map look as if it is done purely by hand, I would lose the fuzzy drop shadow and either crosshatch or do simple fills with a pure gray tone. As it is it seems a little computer-y
I am really nit-picking here, so please take these comments with a grain of salt. The map as is looks excellent and I would be hard-pressed to create something that would approach it in craft. Keep at it! This stuff is really top-notch!
Something witty and pithy
2+3mPig.... this is the reason I post my maps up, I want honest opinion's and critique's, If I wanted my feelings placated, well, they have people you can pay for that.So don't worry about hurting my feelings.
The river was something I was just testing out, I didn't much like it myself. As for the mountains... I was being lazy, and I just got caught... lol. But .. it is my hatchwork, if that makes a difference![]()
I'm still leaning toward keeping the shadow's however, I just like 'em... I'll probably be losing the little goblin cave guy for something else... haven't figured out what just yet.
Great post, great critique! ....![]()
I have to agree with the others, I like the perspective. The forests are done really well (although I think the forest in the south can use some more trunks on the eastside, like the big forest you have in the west). The crystal tower itself looks nice, but it's placement looks a bit weird to me right now (probably because of the white "glow" surrounding it). I don't really care for the skull thingy (the goblin caves?).
Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.
Gandwarf has fallen into shadow...