Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Awesome stuff Chashio, good to see you back. You have been gone for a while.
Thank you Voolf! It wasn't that long an absence. I thought I was doing better recently

Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
That is totally awesome, love it, visually appealing from a distance and then the details. everything at risk here. So rep worthy!!!
Thanks snodsy! Glad you like it

Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
looks really cool ... I see the "shape" of a skull in the red, don't know it that's intentional or I'm just morbid .... love the colors and the male-female integration - great work
Thanks tilt! Yeah, that was originally unintended as I was sketching things - I debated adjustments to enhance or erase it and then decided to just let it alone to play a supportive role and bend the story how it would. I lean a bit toward morbid, myself