Now... round 2 begins!!! .....
Quote Originally Posted by Creativetides View Post
I love the forests and the detailed topography, but have you considered some large (or small) islands more remote and far of the coast.
Thanks Creativetides
Well, I have done a lot of islands, so ironically, i was actually trying not to overdo it with islands this time.
Quote Originally Posted by AdventureDepot View Post
Yea I am unable to rep you again

Just magical!
Thanks AD and no worries on rep.
Quote Originally Posted by Ramah View Post
Very beautiful. Love them both.
Thanks so much Ramah
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Perfect. I wanted to write that i love your new style better than anything, but then i looked at your previous maps again and realized that would be false. Every map is so perfectly executed. It is an honour to see you maps !
Thank you Voolf
That is a wonderful compliment.
Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
Just a teeny-tiny little itty bitty bit more than a sketch.
This is definitely one of my favorite maps from you, it's absolutely beautiful.
Can't rep though.
Hehe, yes... maybe more than a sketch.... possibly.
Thanks so much Josiah No worries on rep.
Quote Originally Posted by Kelleri View Post
Absolutely gorgeous, as always. I'm sorry, I really am unable to say anything smarter than that. I just freaking love your work, plain and simple.
Thank you Kelleri
Quote Originally Posted by steelmccoy View Post
Gorgeous map. Out of curiosity, what is a "sana?" Cult of monkey sanas piqued my interest
Thanks Steelmccoy
I knew someone would ask me..
Sometimes I throw out random things like.. Monkey Sanas.... I guess what I was thinking of was a sort of evolved monkey... not larger per se... but definitely smarter.
They use tools and have rudimentary language. Sana as in evolved one, and some sense of ancient in there too.
And they can think, so they can be even more dangerous and unscrupulous than your average monkey.
Quote Originally Posted by SteffenBrand View Post
Are you KIDDING ME, J.Edward?! How come you have so much output all the time, I can't even rep you!
This is awesome! I like that you included the sketch, so much flair already. Well done!
Hehe, I don't show even half of what I am working on either
I think I do so much because i have so much in my head I am trying to get out and so little time in which to do it.
Thanks Steffen

EDIT - I seriously wish we could use more than 10 emojis per post.