Quote Originally Posted by AdventureDepot View Post
I voice acted your entire answer for myself, very entertaining indeed : D

Everything one can wish for as feedback online, I am unable to rep you apparently since I already done so recently.

I put some thought but not much into the maps, there is no lore or setting here, just make up on the way whilst I draw and pump out random maps. Several a week for some weeks now since I am new to this hobby.
I will tweak the map and return, maybe with detailed answers too on how the civilization look. Please do send dwarf info you had. I had many dwarf fort projects in miniatures over the years, you who like such things might like some images I have that haven't seen much light.

fort 1 http://imgur.com/a/nalt2
fort 2 http://imgur.com/a/kqONq
fort 3 http://imgur.com/a/2iga3

There is so much more than any picture show tho, I have hundreds of items painted and magnetized fitting for the metal floor tiles. And many animals and civilian dwarf minis. Nothing have ever been used, as is the life of the solitary crafter.

If my feedback is considered both informative and entertaining, I have truly succeeded in expressing my enthusiasm. I thank you for such a kind reception to my views. When I build, I must know every detail so I can ensure the creation is self-consistent within the world; to create several maps a week with such beauty and skill is quite inspiring! Your novice claims are not supported by the work I have seen thus far, and it excites me to think of the skill you will gain as you continue to grow in this hobby. Sadly, my archives on dwarven lore and legend are quite scarce, but the document I was referring to in my previous post is one I used to help me properly map out the ventilation for a cave system that leads up to some dwarven ruins for a current campaign I am running. It is called “The Cave Airflow Bible” by Nate Newkirk & Brian Killenbeck, and is found here: http://www.purdueoutingclub.org/file...Air_Basics.pdf .

The work you have shown in your miniatures is simply stunning! I find myself going over the images green with envy for your skill, talent, and brilliance. As Falconius pointed out, those LEDs for lights is genius! Any table-top group would be spoiled to have such a display to supplement a game, let alone be permitted to play on! Perhaps in my retirement I shall attempt such a hobby. You have inspired me truly.
I look forward to your continued work!