Thanks again for the support, guys !

By Mouse
In the area of the solar system key, right in the top left hand corner of each of the maps, there is a dark blob in the background that is nearly as noticeable as the plan itself because it is as dark as the key diagrams are pale in comparison with the rest of the background in that area. I don't know if it would be possible to clone adjacent colours from the background over the top of it, but I think it would look much better if you could get rid of it.
At first, I was like : "what is she talking about?" ; then, "Ooh! I forgot that thing!" .
Truth is that, in the beginning, I was thinking about doing something about it (but a black hole would be just too close of the rest, right?), then I just forgot. So, a big thanks for that .

By Diamond
These are really awesome looking systems, especially the one with the planet within the asteroid belt. I don't think I've ever seen that done before - must make the people that live on that world very nervous, with billions of loose rocks hurtling around them!
Huh, actually, it is a "dwarf planet" like Ceres in the solar system. The asteroids are quite afar from each other, so they are quite safe. And anyway, the Mercenary Myriad has a lot big guns .

By ThomasR
Mais tu ne t'arrêtes donc jamais ? C'est fabuleux le nombre de cordes à ton arc
Bah, je suis plutôt à la bourre dans un peu tout... donc c'est une nécessité! Et, à dire vrai, je ne teste pas grand chose de neuf ici à part peut-être la fabrique des textures planétaires. Mais merci quand même !

OK, so, I decided to post the 4 systems in the finished maps here.

I'll do the map of the multiple star system with the "navigation" data. And still working on the planetary maps. Any idea of what I could place in the space at the right?
### Latest WIP ###