Can I ask a question?
What perspective are you going for with this map?
If it is not solely top down, then I find it strange that your perspective leans down left so much.
Without a visual representation, let's say North is up here, a more natural perspective map would be a tilted North East or North West. But, the feeling I get from yours is more South East. (Look at the buildings that has more detail to see what I mean.
(Brainstorming. FOR A PERSPECTIVE LOOK. In keeping the walls where they are, and staying with the buildings with more detail(but with the 2D look), what I would try is the following. I would draw the buildings(the ones with the detail) with a horizontal base(foundation)(east to west) and draw the buildings in a North West OR North East direction to give the perspective look, even though the buildings are still 2D.) I hope this make sense.
If not, be sure to ask.