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Thread: Critical Problems: CC3+ Update 12

  1. #1
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria

    Default Critical Problems: CC3+ Update 12

    Over the weekend, we received more than a dozen support requests from users of our CC3+ add-ons who had severe problems with the CD3 toolbar after installing the new update 12 for CC3+. We not only have been able to duplicate all of the reported problems but also have determined that they occur with ProFantasy's own CD3 symbol catalogs as well as those in our add-ins. We have reported these problems to ProFantasy. As far as we can determine at this point, these issues occur only with CD3, and they come up only when using the CD3 toolbars or the Symbol Style Toggle icon and working with the Select Catalog Setting dialog. For that reason, we have advised the registered users of our add-ons NOT to install Update 12 at this time.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  2. #2
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria


    I just returned after being away for a bit, and I found a critical message in my E-Mailbox accusing me of being anti-ProFantasy.

    Let's not get carried away.

    I'm not the least bit ProFantasy. My message was to warn people not to install the update yet, because it causes real problems. I've just been informed that the CC3+ forum has reports of additional problems with Update 12 that I haven't noticed yet.

    Ralf Schemmann at ProFantasy is working to solve these problems right now and I've been giving him what help I can. I think we all want to see these problems get fixed and we know from experience that ProFantasy will fix them. Until then, anyone with a healthy CC3+ installation would do well to not install Update 12 at this time.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  3. #3


    I haven't experienced any problems with CD3 yet, but have had other issues with the update. I'd advise to hold off, as well, until Ralf, Joe and the gang get it sorted out....they always do I, for one who rarely visits this site anymore, appreciate your input and advise, Mark. I'm sure there are certainly CC3+ users out there that don't visit the ProFantasy forum often, if at all, and appreciate the warning until the bugs are fixed. Hope you are's been quite a WHILE

  4. #4


    I haven't had any problems whatsoever with the update, but I don't have any third party add-ons installed - just the basic core 4 (CC3, CD3, DD3 and Perspectives).

  5. #5
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    I haven't had any problems whatsoever with the update,
    That's great!

    but I don't have any third party add-ons installed - just the basic core 4 (CC3, CD3, DD3 and Perspectives).
    The problems of which I know, when they occur, are with CD3, not with 3rd party add-ons. They also occur with ProFantasy's own material. I'm told that there are additional problems described by CC3+ users on the ProFantasy forum, but I haven't looked them up. Remy Monsen has apparently duplicated some of the problems, and Ralf Schemmann is working right now on a cure.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  6. #6


    They're a great team

  7. #7
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria


    The problems have been identified. They have nothing to do with 3rd party add-ons. The problem deals with the Symbol Catalog Settings dialog box particularly when used with CD3. The people at ProFantasy have been on to this from the start and are producing Update 13, to eliminate the problem. They're good, competent folks. They know what they're doing and they do it well. So let's give them a break and let them do their job.

    People who have an absolute need to theorize what is causing a problem that they don't understand do the good folks at ProFantasy no favors. Next time, spend your time doing something else. We found problems. Our users found problems. Other CC3+ users found problems. Then ProFantasy's emergency medics went into operation. That's an ideal series of actions. Everything else is a waste of time.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Oliva View Post
    ...People who have an absolute need to theorize what is causing a problem that they don't understand do the good folks at ProFantasy no favors. Next time, spend your time doing something else. We found problems. Our users found problems. Other CC3+ users found problems. Then ProFantasy's emergency medics went into operation. That's an ideal series of actions. Everything else is a waste of time.
    Oh dear

    Sorry I tried to help! LOL!
    Last edited by Mouse; 08-03-2017 at 04:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria


    Greetings again!

    The problems that I mentioned have been resolved with a new Update 13 for CC3+. Registered users can download Update 13 at I've spent about an hour running Update 13 through its ropes and I no longer can duplicate any of the previously mentioned problems. We've sent an E-Mail out to our 3rd party add-on users advising them that we recommend installing Update 13. With that, we should be able to close the books on this thread.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

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