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Thread: New DM looking for a map, no deadlines

  1. #1

    Default New DM looking for a map, no deadlines

    Hi all,

    I am DM'ing for a group of friends in a little while and I would like a map to use, but i swiftly found out that I have no idea what I'm doing. I used the program Inkarnate and made this
    Map (35).jpg
    but I felt that it looked pretty bad. So I am beseeching one of you talented people to help me impress my friends. It might be too much work to go unpaid, but I have no concept of how much time cartography done right takes.

    Assuming that your willing to help a guy out, the image is a pretty accurate representation of what I would like, though the coastline looks very smooth, didn't know how to fix that. Features to the land, or islands and other stuff like that can be added or moved if you would like, so long as it resembles the original image above. As for style, considering that this is unpaid I will take anything I can get, but I tend to like things like this,
    but again, whatever you can do is much appreciated. (I realize that that is super advanced, not asking for anything like that just the general style)

    It doesn't have to be 'professional' (whatever that means, I'm reading off the format), and dimensions don't really matter all that much, I would like to be able to print it on regular paper though.

    As for time constraints, by August 30 would be wonderful, but I can push the game back a few days.

    The artist will retain copyright of the map, seeing as it will only be used for non-commercial purposes. (D&D!)

    If you are interested in helping, my email is
    Thanks for taking the time to read!

  2. #2
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    California, Bay Area


    Just started working on it, should be done by your deadline!

  3. #3


    Thank you for responding so fast! I really appreciate that you're willing to help me out!

  4. #4
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    California, Bay Area


    Ok, here it is. It's 8.5x11 at 300 dpi, but most standard consumer printers just don't work that well, so it'll obviously look better on computer than on paper.
    For Jvant on Cartographer's Guild.jpg
    Last edited by Atapari; 08-10-2017 at 12:48 AM.

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