Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
This is absolutely stunning J.Edward. It is gentle on the eye, but has enough detail to keep you glued to it for ages. It has an extremely high stareabilityness* to it. It's fun to just 'wander' the streets with the eyes.

I think Wally has been to assassin school, he's learnt to hide in full sight

*If it isn't a word then it is now!

EDIT: Sorry I can't praise this enough but the more time I spend doing so the less time I spend looking at it
I do a bunch of street wandering as I make these maps.
I always like to imagine and plan what they look like at street level and who lives there.
Most of these streets have 2,3, even 4 level buildings.
Some possibly higher. And lower... what with basements and sewers .....
and deep dark underbellies of crime and graft and illicit trade in dubious cheese of questionable provenance.

Oh, did you find your character? It is not an easy one to discern, I'm afraid.
But, it was a fun one.