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Thread: Tyranny Of Dragons

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  1. #1

    Default Tyranny Of Dragons

    Hi, I'm a new DM and I started 'Curse of the Dragon Queen' recently in my first GMing role and I realised quite quickly that mapping is difficult. I can't exactly photocopy my DM maps from the book to hand out to my players. I also don't want to run it purely slim the 'theatre of the mind' what resources would you recommend for me or do any of our there have maps to share a new and slightly anxious DM?

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Hi BullywugGav and welcome to the Guild.

    I've moved your thread from Finished Maps to 'How Do I, as this is a better place for it. How would you hope to create your maps, i.e. are you hand-drawing or using software. If it's digital, what are you using (e.g. Gimp, Photoshop etc.) Also, what kind of maps are you making (world/regional/city/dungeon etc). I'm not a gamer and not familiar with Curse of the Dragon Queen, so I'm not certain what you're looking for. Best place to start is the Tutorials area and see if you can find some help there. Specifically, check out this thread and this one.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by BullywugGav View Post
    Hi, I'm a new DM and I started 'Curse of the Dragon Queen' recently in my first GMing role and I realised quite quickly that mapping is difficult. I can't exactly photocopy my DM maps from the book to hand out to my players. I also don't want to run it purely slim the 'theatre of the mind' what resources would you recommend for me or do any of our there have maps to share a new and slightly anxious DM?
    I have some maps I made for the whole Tyranny of Dragons campaign (Hoard and Rise), I have them all for free downloads on DeviantArt, if you'd like them.


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