Level 4 is complete.

Entering through the portal, you're confronted by another Iron Golem (aka Bogie's dad's trophy) watching over the great library full of magical research, obscure knowledge, and ancient tomes. Bigby's sleeping quarters and bathing room are at the top, with his research and laboratory in the middle. The teleportation portal and scrying flames enable him to instantly travel within or between planes to his chosen destination, or spy on the world at large.

Lastly, but not least - his quite fire-room and viewing window from the 'Thumb' to share with close friends, and dear enemies, or to while away time reading scandalous romance books he stole from Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun's wife Laeral Silverhand.

Bigby's Tower of the Clenched Fist v0.6

Bigby's Tower of the Clenched Fist v0.6.jpg

Finishing touches to come.