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Thread: The world of Raethrig

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default The world of Raethrig

    Hey guys !

    So here is the second map I made with Photoshop for a friend.
    He asked me to not labelled it, that's why there is no names or cities on the map.

    The style of the Maelstrom at the middle is abit different but I kindda like it this way
    Of course, I'm welcome to any critics in order to improve my next maps !


    If you're curious and want to see my first map and, eventually, the progress (or not :p) I made from this one, I invite to visit my DA's profile :

  2. #2


    This looks great! I really like your mountains. The ocean looks pretty great, too. I checked out your other map - these are fantastic for your first couple of maps. I'm not sure about the maelstrom - the style is a little different from the rest of the map. But if you like it - that's good! One thing you might try is adding tree trunks to the bottom line of the forest. Since the mountains have the isometric style, it might add a little bit. I haven't done it myself, but there are a lot of good tutorials floating around for drawing forests.

  3. #3
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jun 2017



    Thank you!
    Something I did not say about the maelstrom: it's intendend to be a kind of magic vortex (with a lot of magic-storm, magic effects etc.) in my friend's world. That's the main reason why I like it this way (but you're right, the style is definitely different).
    Otherwise, I like your idea and I haven't really thought about it before. I'll try this on my next map!

  4. #4


    Hey there, and welcome to the Guild! I'm pretty sure I haven't come across you before, but my memory is utter crap so do forgive me if we've already crossed paths and I've forgotten

    I have to say, both this and the one before that, are pretty darn great for first maps! Both do look a touch crisp though, you might want to try and soften the lineart and overall look a bit, in order to make it look a tad less digital. Your color scheme is great and the landshapes look fantastic.

    You're off to a wonderful start, I look forward to seeing more maps from you!
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer Matthew VE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Winnipeg, Canada


    Looks great! Especially for a second map. I agree with Kelleri about the lineart being a bit too crisp and digital looking. Other than that, keep it up!

  6. #6
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Thank you guys for your advices !
    Good thing you told me about the lineart ; I didn't really realised before. Guess I'll take a little bit more time on this next time.
    As I'm still working of maps elements to improve their look, I think the overall look will be better with more practice and time spending on it.

    I think my next map will be a regional map as a personal work ; it should be a pretty good exercise to work on those points.

  7. #7


    You're doing great! Keep up the wonderful work!

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