I am not sure if these attachments work if not can always email me or ask me to find another way to share/send a copy so you can see that (hand drawing them is so worth it) took me 20 years to fully create (never completed not even remotely close to doing so and never will physically either) an entire planet constructed in a totally random made up universe in a random made up solar system and you get the idea of what I have spent my life doing, alongside writting books, stories, charatcer,s languages in the world and outside, powers, currencies, laws, heads of states the whole works basically but in my image and the only plus is i drew the palces out (well some of the major palces) so there were some visuals too not just all in my head.
Sites I know of though for 3D creations that are sometimes completely free or good to work wth are Sketchup- easy to use and complete this kind of task and very fast at uploading and exporting your work accross, I have an entire city in an online Virtual world of my own, it isn;t exactly New York or anything but the place is a year old this August, it has potential and work can be done I just haven't re-furbished the metorpolis yet. But I will I am planning on making an injoined city there two with a small jungle seperating and surrounding the two ;-) the presidential cities of my nation basically.
I can do the hand drawn part without thinking they just happen so if you desire any help on that aspect I can try (the sad part is) I always live absolutely nowhere near people and have only ever taught one other to be able to draw them the way I imagine them in my own mind so obviously anyone can learn to draw a city/country/nation/map but they will never be mine always just anothers idea of what they think my world looks like or their own that's the joy of hand doing this kind of thing- sure someone can mimic your final art peice/creation, even trace it claim it is there's but they don't it like you do, they didn't build a relationship with this place, understand how it works, its people, currencies, languages, they didn;'t wake up one day and go I am going to create an entire empire startign with my main nation then give it a capital draw that capital and keep going until I can't draw anymore. It's impossible to 100% copy the knowledge of the origins of a hand drawn city/nation even if the physical peice is copied (unless the fake is a telepath) so i'd say add the extra effort in I have done 20 years of it and still going why not it's healthy, productive, had real life potential and its relaxing with music and a beer
The three I uploaded (yes all hand drawn by myself) no I didn't copy, rehash or steal anothers ideas or work the chances are a few would me, it's legit all mine from day one when i was doing no more than small dots and lins with a felttip bic pen to adding some shades to making entire city districts, underground tube networks, ferryports, airports, currencies and so on. Now I have everything in my work and I am in <3 with it mate. They are only the 3 cities/districts of James St. Pearce, Princess xzena City and Jahrome and Eastcote aka J+E (Isaanation Empire) national capital city with 36,409,301 people currently living there as of now. J+E is 5 cities in 1 and has multiple smaller towns and districts scattered around it's inner and outer suburbs to make it a metropolis today. it's kinda cool feel free to have as many looks as you like it might help you out, sorry if my post is super late. I have had 0% luck finding anyone into this sort of thing like me which has come as a shock considering I now find there's loads.