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Thread: WIP - Tirwen

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  1. #1
    Secret Super-User StillCypher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I really like your style with this map, too, and you've done such a good job incorporating all the great advice you've been given. The colors are very energetic and inviting, and the style itself very artistic.

    I have two tiny nits to pick.

    First, the red edge around the Crater of the Eclipse seems too uniform. (Love the idea and the colors and the textures, though!)

    Second would be the mountains. I like the style/coloring just fine -- it matches the style of the rest of the map -- but the size seems off to me. They're too close to the same size as the trees, and mountains ought to maybe give the impression of being bigger!

    All in all, though, I am quite captivated!

  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    This looks great. Good work.

  3. #3
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Strathroy, ON


    just reading your process, it sounds like you probably did a bunch of things you didn't have to, tho the result looks quite good. I don't know what autoRealm exports as, but if its vector, and you have illustrator, you could use illustrators smoothing to create the simplify much like your printing and digitizing (even more if you had a plugin called MaPublisher for illustrator)... probably save you quite a bit of time.. i know digitizing is quite tedious... other then that, i'd only suggest tapering your inner rivers (the ones that end on their own, not going to a river etc)... there are tutorials on this is photoshop all over, i believe zombie nirvana was where I saw it.. sorry i don't have a link... other then that, looking good
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

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