Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
Thanks Kelleri
Yep, I am a cintiq user.
Probably the best investment I have ever made.

The font for the title is called Scurlock, for purchase at Myfonts.com
and a free demo at DaFont.com
If you can afford to, always purchase a license to a font if you plan to sell prints or do freelance work with the font in question.
But it is nice to have a free demo to mess around with. I used the demo for a bit and realized I quite liked the font and so purchased it.
Virtual high-five for Cintiq! I agree, it's a bloody fantastic device. And totally worth of having to be flat-ass broke for over a year after I bought mine

I hear you about the fonts, I've started buying the licenses to fonts I like whenever I can. Even though I don't do much commercial work yet, I am someday hoping to. I thought is best to start building a my toolkit of stuff I know I'll be able to use in commercial projects as well - ought to save me time in the long run