I also think the original land colours were better than the greyish current version. If you tone down the electric blue of the shallow waters from the current version, I think you would be pleasantly surprised at just how nice the original land colours would look with it.
By 'tone down', I don't mean make the shore waters grey. I mean add a layer underneath the ocean that is sandy in colour, and make the coastal waters only a fraction lighter than the main body of the ocean, but grade the ocean in a
very narrow band around the coast (think of the scale of this map to imagine how wide that shallow water band should really be, because it looks far too wide at the moment) to about 80% transparent at the shore edge.
Doing that, and plonking the current land back down on top of the sandy layer, then colouring the land like the original land was coloured (but blending the topographical colours more gradually from green through yellow and brown to grey) , I think you might have something far more beautiful than either version on the way.
And please don't take any of this the wrong way - both versions are already beautiful. I just wanted to offer one of a number of ways in which you could make it really sing