Greetings, cartographers! It's been a while!

This map of alternate-history Africa is part of a series I've been making for a homebrew roleplaying game called Reloj de Vapor (Steamclock), set in a XIX century that never was.

Here we have Africa in 1883, just before the Scramble began, so most of the continent is still relatively free of colonial influence and big chunks of the sub-Saharan region remain unknown to outsiders. Part of the Near East is sneaking into the picture as well, but I'm working on a separate map for that region.

The full-size version is a bit too heavy to attach, but if you want to take a look, you can find it here (links to Deviantart).

Africa 1883 - Reloj de Vapor - small.png

Made in Photoshop. No giraffes were harmed in the making of this map.

Related maps:

Europe in 1883
South America and the Caribbean in 1883
North America in 1883
World Map (WIP)