Very nice maps Gail. Hard to go wrong with Mike's artpack. Since Mike has made so many official maps, a lot of people will be familiar with his style.
I agree with Redrobes that the walls could have a little stronger shadow to make the walls pop.
I partially agree with JP in that in the midst of an adventure, players are more interested in a map that gives them the major highlights than they are in a beautiful richly detailed map. But at the same time a good GM can use the details on a map to really flesh out the adventure. Everyone has their own style in mapping and in playing.
As an old school 1E-2E DM I don't like grids cluttering up my map. Grids on the floor are OK, but there is no reason for grids to go on top of everything. It ruins the esthetic. Also you should not put grids on a map that is intended for use with most VTTs, they will add their own grid, and it is often VERY hard to make the map-grid line up with the VTT-grid.
My last advice is this: If you are making a map for a specific adventure, read the adventure several time and be very careful that the map matches the written description. I have made full sized battlemaps for many old and some new adventures and it is frustrating how often the published map did not match the written word. Simple things like: the map shows a 10x10 foot room, and the text says there are 4 beds 4 chests, a sofa, a dining table and desk and chair in the room.
Accuracy & logic count.