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Thread: Faladriand - a large work in progress.

  1. #21


    Okay! So, no projector programs will work without Java - and with the website admitting to a lawsuit about security measures, I'm just not going to risk downloading it. That being said, the other projector software was something called "Flex Projector". It needs Java, so I'm still out of luck with that.

    However, I did figure out I can use Photoshop to wrap my map around a sphere. While it's probably not as good as G Projector, I figure it's a pretty good start to see distortions and the like.

    EDIT: @Mouse
    That happens - see, I can download G Projector just fine. It's when I go to run it that a pop-up from my computer says it's not going to run the program due to the program putting my computer at risk. Couple that with the above that I just said about Java, I'm very uneasy about downloading it.

  2. #22


    That's fine. I just thought I'd ask

    I don't know the first thing about PS (I use CC3 and GIMP mainly, with a few other things thrown in for good measure), so I have no idea how accurate or otherwise the projection manipulation would be. Maybe give it a go and show us?

  3. #23


    Okay, so this is what it looks like:

    faladriand - world.jpg

    That's one side of it, and it showcases just how right you were. My polar continent isn't even shown, while that continent is taking up most of the world. So it's pretty helpful in terms of sizing.

  4. #24
    Guild Expert
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by tatteredglyph View Post
    However, I did figure out I can use Photoshop to wrap my map around a sphere. While it's probably not as good as G Projector, I figure it's a pretty good start to see distortions and the like.
    And you can paint directly on the sphere too and then work on the texture separately which is flattened back down so it really is handy, I don't know why I didn't think to mention that before.

  5. #25


    That doesn't look too bad considering you weren't even thinking about things like polar distortion when you drew it

    Is the other side really bad?

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    And you can paint directly on the sphere too and then work on the texture separately which is flattened back down so it really is handy, I don't know why I didn't think to mention that before.
    Oh, I'll test that out! I was actually just thinking about if I could paint onto the 3D object - so now that I know I can, this'll be really helpful.

    This is the other side:
    faladriand - world (2).jpg

    So I definitely have some proportion issues. I'll be tweaking things momentarily so that everything looks right and in an appropriate spot.

  7. #27


    I'm really glad you found a solution

    This will also help you to get a better idea of the relative size of things like mountains and rivers.

    EDIT: This is Kacey's current worldbuilding thread. I don't know if you would find some useful information here?
    Last edited by Mouse; 09-30-2017 at 06:55 PM.

  8. #28


    Yeah, because I'm going to take your advice about keeping Earth's world map in mind. So I'm going to find a relatively large sized map and map it to the sphere, so I get an idea of how things look, etc. So, thank you! Even though it wasn't your solution, you've really helped out. So now I'll be able to post a better progress image later today.

  9. #29


    Its 11pm here in the UK, so I guess you must be several hours behind me to be saying 'later today'.

    I will look forward to seeing them in the morning then - my morning that is

    Have fun!

  10. #30


    Quick update:
    Since I didn't want to leave you guys completely at a loss of an update for the night. I'm completely re-doing my landmasses. So, new attempt! For now I have a couple of blobs and two refined areas. This is not the final product, but it's a good representation of what the landmasses will be once I refine them. (Which I will be doing tomorrow, since I need to head off.) I didn't want to leave completely updateless, so here is a general idea of the landmasses! Polar distortion will be taken into account this time, the blobs are simply representing that things might go there.

    faladriand - wip (4).jpg

    I also figured out a scale, so that'll be on the map going forward as well!
    Last edited by tatteredglyph; 10-01-2017 at 02:14 AM.

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