Hey Faladriand
Projecting onto a sphere ABSOLUTELY helps LOL. That polar distortion can be real pig if you don't watch out for it, things end up getting really "pinched" up there but it only really get's bad from about the 80 - 90 degree lattitude. That's why Aerlaan is having pure ice poles that will creep down and lock to the land at probably 75-80 degress N/S.
And I agree with mouse, considering that you didn't even think about the world as a globe when you started you did a great job of avoiding the worst of the distorion.
Why are you abandoning ship on your original landmasses though? Nothing wrong with wanting to change course but what you had certainly seemed workable.
Given that you are now at the "random blob" stage (a wonderful place to be, just FULL of possibilities) you might find this tutorial by RobA helpful. It gives great detailed coastlines. Written primarily for GIMP but works in PS too.
EDIT: apologies Tatteredglyph. just realised i called you by your world...LOL. IS that a symptom of hanging around here too long??? LOL (In my defence I have only been awake for about 20 minutes)