Thanks Straf, and everyone else for their well wishes.

I have an update and a couple of questions/advice requests;

Update: said Publisher is looking to commission 5 x 1/2 page maps for a title. The rate is to be $25.00 (I assume USD) per map, if interested I will be given author drawn sketches to work from and a contract. Would I be interested in taking the commission? Abso-bloody-lutely!

Questions: 1/2 page refers to A5 or ANSI equivalent right? That is my assumption. Once I receive the sketches and contract I then have to decide if $25 per map is reasonable based on the requirements of the maps, in other words do I think I would be able to produce acceptable quality (to both myself and the publisher) maps in less than 1-1.5 hours per map. Is this how most of you think in regards to commissions? Figure out an acceptable "hourly rate" and then best guess from there based on the details of the commission? Given as this is my first and possibly the first of many commissions from this publisher, not too mention this publisher may also be an outlet for my own written adventures, I may extend that time out a little, possibly to 2 hours per map, thoughts?