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Thread: My First Proper Map

  1. #11
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
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    North Carolina, USA


    I think it's a fantastic map for a first one! And I'm one of those that don't think 'real world' applications should necessarily apply to fantasy maps, if you can explain why they don't! I envy artistic talent like yours! Good job!
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  2. #12
    Guild Novice
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    Lanark, Scotland


    "artistic talent" is not a term I've dared apply to myself in the past. I had some help with this, with the gradients specifically, and little touches like the coast lines, but the forests, rivers and mountains were painted by me. Still, all the help I received is stuff I'm able to implement myself now, so that's something. It's so nice to have some validation from people who aren't 'morally obligated' to support me, haha.

    @tilt and rdanhenry: I see what you guys mean, yeah. I suppose some of it comes down to me knowing a bit more what the landscape is like surrounding the rivers. I justified some of my decisions by saying the land is volcanic in nature, with lots of very rocky ground. That only goes so far though. Such things should probably be illustrated by better definition in the colour gradient, or perhaps cliffs and bluffs, but since I like to consider my maps as 'representative' rather than precise, I was reluctant to make the map too busy. It's something to consider going forwards, though.

  3. #13


    Wow, this is a stunning piece for a first map! The landmass' shape looks excellent, and I love the simple yet elegant labeling. Others have already made valid points on the rivers, so I won't bother repeating them. I guess my only real critique would be how blurry the textures look - you might want to look for ones with higher resolution.

    A truly kick-ass introduction, I really look forward to seeing what you come up with next! Well-deserved rep headed right your way.
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  4. #14


    Very nice map! That's more than promising concerning your next maps .

  5. #15
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
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    I can only second what others have already said. A very inspiring first contribution! Well done!

    Now as the curious one, i will go on and pose some of my usual questions We now know how your world looks like (at least the part you have shown us) to tell us a bit about the setting itself? It has very Japanese sounding names.
    Also, is this map just for fun or are you using it for something? Writing, p&p roleplaying, etc. ?

    Welcome to the guild, MapHatter!
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  6. #16
    Guild Novice
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    Lanark, Scotland


    thank you everybody I'm genuinely pleased by the enthusiastic responses. Although not so pleased by the amount of pressure on doing well with my next one! This map was created for a story called Toruichi, which is sort of a Wuxia fantasy story in essence. It's about a wandering traveller who left society behind a few years ago. The backdrop consists of an oppressive regime called the Gallery of Lords ruling the nation through cyclical Warring Seasons, and the story starts with the discovery of a warrior which heralds a greater threat. The story is basically about Toruichi's struggle between helping his people in this fight, or forsaking them the way they forsook him. Unfortunately, the story is currently on hold. I've suffered from depression for 15 years or so and this past year it's gotten very very bad. As a result I've lost pretty much all enjoyment for writing. Which is why I've decided to go back to my roots. I recently spent about £100 on a drawing desk and new art supplies, and I'm going to attempt an A1 hand drawn sketch, so it might take a while! But hand drawn maps are closest to my heart, so I'm hoping it kickstarts my passion and creativity again.

    (also, yes, it's based on Japan, with the story itself drawing on elements on Japanese culture, and I do hope to finish it. I've posted the early chapters here: if you'd like a clear picture of the story.)
    Last edited by MapHatter; 10-17-2017 at 07:45 AM.

  7. #17
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
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    The Netherlands


    Nice work,MapHatter. This map looks great for a 'First Proper Map'.

  8. #18

  9. #19


    Very nice maphatter! I like the tones! is that Photoshop?

  10. #20
    Guild Novice
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    Lanark, Scotland


    Yeah, I used SAI to do the linework then painted everything in photoshop, except the land and see colours which were gradients, though also done in photoshop.

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