By Wingshaw
I think the city icons look good, but it depends a bit on how many you plan to include in the finale. IF you're going to have a very detailed map with many cities, then those are probably too big. If you're going to only show larger towns and cities (i.e. somewhat denser than you have now) then I think those icons will fit it well.
Thanks, Wingshaw! I'm not gonna put a lot of cities and locations... It's before all an overview map. My problem is that I have hard time to convey what those cities should look like and that I've quite a diversity of them. I'm gonna go for something more symbolic, I guess. Or maybe just one building...

I've tried some new things for forests/terrains.
Nightfall Europe.jpeg

Overall, it's looking really good. I like the somewhat painted look of the land edge, at the moment. It is certainly an ambitious project, but you do seem to like those, don't you? I remember your magnificent city of Argona...
Well, I still want to do some district maps or even redo the whole damn city with what I've learnt.... But there are more pressing things, right now.