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Thread: Howdy!

  1. #1

    Default Howdy!

    Howdy, dudes.

    I'm a long-time gamer about to start DMimg my first 5E D&D campaign; I was looking for map-making tutorials, which lead me here. I can't just do things the easy way, however, so a quick-and-dirty local map turned into a city map, local area map, and now a world map. And a pantheon of gods, kings and queens, trade networks, a world history...

    Did I mention we start the game on Saturday?

    In addition to being an overachiever, I'm also a tremendous nerd. Seriously, I have an entire shelf of RA Salvatore novels, I know most of the LotR movies by heart (great fun at parties!). I'm also an avid player of video games.

    I'm going to stop myself here (I could go on about myself all day) by saying - hello!

  2. #2

    Post Hello

    Hello, I was directed to this site from a Course I am taking, and look forward to browsing the content and contributing. I am largely a hobbyist and have no commercial interest in maps. Regards, Mark

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