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Thread: The Coasts of Acur - Kane SubContinent

  1. #11
    Guild Expert
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    Jan 2016


    ooh, I really like the second version allot, it really looks polished and clean and shows of the coast nicely. How do you do you're coast line? Do you generate it some how or do you just go at it by hand? And I hope you don't mind my asking, but in regards to the resolution on you're relief, If you were to do it again what resolution would you go with for the world map? I only ask because I'm hoping to do a similar thing but am torn on what size to make my world map so it's useable for regional sections. Regardless of the resolution issues it still looks great and is something to look up to and strive towards.

  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer PaGaN's Avatar
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    Sep 2017


    I came out from my hole to take a little stroll around and walked straight into the Kane Subcontinent. WOW!

    Now part of me wishes I had stayed in my hole...LOL (it's okay PaGaN, it's okay, greatness is achievable, it really is).

    Awesome work. To repeat Straf's question: Are you going to compile these into an actual published atlas?


  3. #13


    Lovely atlas style!


  4. #14
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    Jan 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
    Pixie are you considering making your Atlas into an e-book?
    Quote Originally Posted by PaGaN View Post
    Are you going to compile these into an actual published atlas?
    Never thought about that before... I wonder who would see any use or interest in it - a free-from-fantasy-but-fully-imagined-world is something we aspire to create but not to use in ready made form (I guess).

    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    Very nice work on this. I like the version without the topography too. It's a very readable and attractive map. Great to see new work from you.
    Thanks, I wonder when I will actually produce any more stuff like this. PaGaN and kacey are making me question my own rough tectonics, which, in turn, makes me question my topography, which in turn might turn all this into first drafts and not canon maps... which means a fresh restart, a few more years, and, oh well, I'll age old and die in between

    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    How do you do you're coast line? Do you generate it some how or do you just go at it by hand? And I hope you don't mind my asking, but in regards to the resolution on you're relief, If you were to do it again what resolution would you go with for the world map? I
    I do it all by hand. When working the topography, I keep adjusting it - that means adding inlets and irregularities when mountains reach the sea, smoothing it when it's a flat area that has been receiving sediment, trying (without really knowing what I'm doing in terms of scale or direction) to add curved coastlines like those created by sea currents (like the US east coast). I found that the coastline gets better once you do the local topography - but it's a labour of love and many hours, I wouldn't recommend it to any sane person wishing to remain so.
    About the resolution for the world map - I honestly don't know. I wish I had a 20,000x10,000 canvas, but with that comes the wish of having 50 hours of free time every day and an infinite amount of energy because that's what it would take. As it is, I think it's balanced enough to be completed in the next ten years (or so..)

    Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
    Lovely atlas style!
    Thank you all for the compliments. They really mean something to me. And they drive my motivation, so don't ever shy on those.
    Coming from you, arsheeh, community leader, guild sponsor, 6,000-plus-posts man, 8-awards man, it means Gold!
    Last edited by Pixie; 11-02-2017 at 06:25 PM.

  5. #15
    Guild Journeyer PaGaN's Avatar
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    Sep 2017


    PaGaN and kacey are making me question my own rough tectonics, which, in turn, makes me question my topography, which in turn might turn all this into first drafts and not canon maps... which means a fresh restart, a few more years, and, oh well, I'll age old and die in between
    GOOD LORD MAN! DON'T YOU DARE! We'll all get caught up in a negative feedback loop of endless revisions! The world will implode (or worlds! PLURAL...LMAO). As it is i was looking back over your most recent tectonic maps and i'm already looking at mine and thinking "what have i done wrong that i'm not see so many minor plates? And why have my old mid ocean ridges mostly disappeared???"

    Your work is stellar! Your all good, HONEST! Just keep chugging out that development.

    Re: the actual Acur World Atlas idea, you ask why? Seriously? C'Mon! The sheer cool factor of having that thing on yours (or anyone elses coffee table) and thumbing through it just speaks for itself!


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