Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
Haha, glad you decided to join in on the fun in the end, John!

Sketches, now why didn't I think of doing that, it would have made this month so much easier.

In all seriousness though, they're two lovely little pieces and a snippet into that fantastic artistic mind of yours, so I look forwards to all the scribbles, notes and bits and pieces you throw at us! And knowing you, I'm sure you might even get carried away with one or two along the way!
I will have a few that are more than sketches. Like today's piece.
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
This is gonna be awesome. Your Inktober pictures are beautiful.
Thanks Voolf I am glad to be back here on the Guild.
Felt like I was gone for too long.
Quote Originally Posted by Domino44 View Post
I love your inktober work! I like your two maps excited to see more!
Thanks Domino Glad to see you out and about.
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
I LOVE your DeviantArt page!

These two little maps here are just beautiful - so typically YOU!

You only have to pick up a pencil and draw a squiggle and it turns out great
Thanks Mouse
I do a lot of non-map stuff that most never see.
But, I do love making maps. No question about it.
Quote Originally Posted by Blaidd Drwg View Post
Welcome on board, Sir!
Glad to be joining in.

Here's a little map for today.
Just a fun little parchment piece.

The Edge of Land
The Edge of Land by sirinkman.jpg