Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
Awesome thread! Lot of dedication in here, great maps GLS, "hell of a luck" for the village in the first map!
Haha, yep, I'd certainly scarper as soon as I spotted those prints!

Onto yesterday's map, no. 7. Strangely enough Dan and I must had a mind connection on this one as they're so very similar!

Anyway, I've renamed mine to the Smuggler's Den now. Plus it's a very different style, so it's all good.

The Smuggler's Den.jpg

And here's an uncoloured version which I think I prefer this time around, but let me know what you think as I just wasn't feeling it when I came to colouring this one.

The Smuggler's Den Uncoloured.jpg

Hopefully be back tomorrow with today's map! Let's see if we can do it again, Dan!