Quote Originally Posted by Dyson Logos View Post
This is RIDICULOUSLY good for a "quick-ish" map.
100% agree.

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
I am just not sure if trying to do an rpg product with no game mechanics is really of interest to gamers.
And as such, is a viable sellable product.
It totally is. Over on DRIVETHRU.RPG there are lots of system neutral products; I'm sure that just the ARTwork in yours, would sell them, regardless of the text component!

RPG products with no game system attached, particularly settings & adventure locales are great because Games Masters just need to provide the game stats for Non-Player Characters & monsters and possibly traps for whatever system they're using at the time and if they change system...it's a just a matter of re-doing the stats. Probably not so useful for players but GM's love them, well I do at any rate.