Hi Nyanacide. I wrote you a response in your other map-making request thread: Town Map Request.

While I mentioned in that post that I might be interested, I do think I should mention that it is a little bit unfair on your prospective artists to ask them to provide you with a ballpark figure, especially when there's very little detail provided. As a mapmaker, I like to know what kind of a budget my client has before I start bidding on a project, and I need to know more about the project itself in order to know how long it will take me and consequently how much I should charge. I'm not trying to be rude, but we're busy professionals and it makes things a lot easier for us if we know as much as possible at the beginning.

That said, you're interested in a ballpark figure: everyone is different, but I think that a ballpark figure of $100 to $500 is to be expected for a city map.


Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
Man, when you apply for a city map request, I lay back on my chair, pour me a good lager and prepare myself to enjoy the show
Thanks Thom