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Thread: Greetings!

  1. #1

    Default Greetings!

    Hello! I've had my eye on this site for a while, but only just registered.

    I'm a roleplayer primarily, World of Warcraft of all things, but I regularly run D&D style campaigns within the game itself. I dearly enjoy creating new fanon locations for my guildies to port their personal awesomeness into the fictional world, and love to play with and Photoshop to make maps (and update the maps) to make the places we play come to life.

    I'm here to learn some new skills and techniques to raise the bar for mapmaking in our WoW RP community; raising the bar and rising to new challenges is what I'm all about. Old dogs can learn new tricks, after all. And if I am too old, then hopefully I can commission some splendid maps by people who know what they're doing!

  2. #2


    Welcome to the forums!

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