Thanks everyone!

I made some more thematic maps for fun. Well actually, I was interested in getting more accurate information on demographics.

The final numbers give me an area of 8 445 777 sq km and with 118 725 829,03 people (to be very exact). With an average density of 14 per sq km.

The country comprise 24 provinces, 1 unorganized territory,1 protectorate that has a lot of autonomy, and possibly occupied territories in the east (actually it's in the lower center of the map)
In the east, Tainotim mentioned that a civil war occurred several years prior to the map (not specified how long exactly). His map doesn't contain details on the north west part of the map.
I had the idea that, during the civil war, the government fled to the north west when the end was near. Under the protection of my country, they managed to keep their ground in that region, planning to comeback for a revenge. Although an independent state (de jure), the Empire's influence (me) is very strong and doesn't plan a war anytime soon.
The area controlled is 350 000 sq km and has close to 10 million people.
The exact wording is not occupied territories but puppet state, I think.

Each provinces are divided into several counties depending on geography, population and randomness.
It is generally the smallest administrative unit but some cities have their local government.
There are 354 in total. Each has at least one population center where the government hold their offices.
The size and number of people in each county is not very consistent. The government does not modify them very often.
I compiled some data:
The smallest county is 364 sq km. The largest is 349 900 sq km, larger than Italy, and also larger than half of the provinces taken individually. Yet, only 100 000 people live there.
The average is 23 000 sq km.
The most populous has 738 000 people, the least populous has 64 000.

The largest province is 1,2 million sq km, 4 times the size of Italy but is mostly uninhabited.

Now the maps:

Updated province map:
Names can be found here:
