Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
Haha, you are speedy. I like both of them. That certainly brightened up with the second one. I went in the opposite direction with mine... things are getting darker.
Yeah, hanging out in the dark felt sort of lonely
Maybe I will venture back into the cold void......
Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
They both look great. I can't believe how fast you got these done. If there is a scraper for this though it's only going to pick up the last image with a WIP tag in each thread so you might be better off to start a new thread for each one. Or alternatively edit them into your first post so they are easy for Red to gather later on.

Edit: Whoops, I'm terrible at keeping up with threads, I see Redrobes already responded.
It's no biggie. If I end up making a bunch of maps, I don't really want to have to make a ton of threads.
I may do a lot of work, but I'm lazy
Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
Compared with the first one has a picnic-in-the-park look to it. The first one gave me shivers looking at it. No way I'm going in there!

Mind saying that I bet this one's just full of hellbastards lurking about!
These are a bit generic, but I felt that people might have more use for them that way.
Maybe after I do a bundle I will get back to two of my old dungeons that sit unfinished.
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Wow, John! Its all that map-a-day practice. You're practically the bionic artist now! LOL!

This is great, though, not only are we going to have the biggest and best dungeon for miles around, I've also just realised what's wrong with my cave walls by looking at yours. They're too sharply defined! Thank you for that
I'm happy to inadvertently help without making any effort
It would be quicker if I didn't have to make the outer bits all dark.
I could really knock out some black and white dungeons