Mouse, ChickPea, Redrobes, Bogie - Thanks so much for your input, guys. Really appreciate it! And LOL! at all your comments.

Okay, the webs stay. Yay!

Added some dirt/rubble piles, and now I'm calling it done! Here's the version for the GuildDungeon map:


And a "spruced-up" text/background/border version, for anyone who would like to play on it separately:

### Latest WIP ###

If you want the critters as PNG objects, I'll be uploading this version of the map (in a zip, with critters included) to my deviantART sometime tomorrow (barring anything unforseen). I'll post a link in this thread as soon as it's up.
In addition to the 3 fully-grown ones, I'll try to include some smaller-sized versions as well (individuals, and small groups/swarms).
I'll also include my usual grid or gridless options for the map.

For personal non-commercial use only.
And please do not redistribute this map (or any of the Work-In-Progress versions).
If you know of someone who would like to use/play on it, you can direct them here, or to my deviantART.
