Thank you very much everyone!

Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Very cool, love it ! I have placed it on the jigsaw. Is it ok ?
It looks good Red. I didn't have a specific place in mind, so feel free to move it around if you need.

So I went an made a few more dungeons and caves. Their nothing special and serve more as a way to connect dungeons and caves that are to close to each other to fit another on in between them.

Here is a 1 square and 2 square wide corridor

Corridor 1 sq wide.jpg Corridor 2 sq wide.jpg

And here is a 1 suare wide and 2 square wide dungeon.

Dungeon 1 sq wide.jpg Dungeon 2 sq wide.jpg

I realize now that they're not so different at all really. I think it's because the cave is unnaturally straight like the corridor. I didn't want to add to much variation to the width of the cave so that Red can cut it off at any point and it would still serve its purpose.