I think your map style would benefit from an increased focus on the oceanic features. The features you already do have should be accentuated even more. Be bold!
I took that into account and made a rework of the ocean, looks way better now, i think. Thank you!
Here a screenshot, the sea trenches arent in yet. Not sure how to do this the best way.
Ocean rework.jpg

I love the look of this map. I like the landshapes a lot and the idea of a micro planet is very appealing to me. Something tells me that the micro planet thing, combined with the 'no seasons because no axis tilt' might make climates a bit more complicated. Or at least not as similar to earth. However, in depth worldbuilding is not my strong suit, not even my reasonably solid suit, so I'll leave the constructive criticism to people that are much more qualified for that.

great job!
Thank you
Since i have decided that I'll rework the whole map with more detailed klimate and stuff, I will take your consideration into account too.
My intension by not adding seasons to the planet was actually for simplyfing the klimate, if that makes no sense, i'll go for an fully earth like one.

So far so good, I'll keep updating the thread, and i hope for more good suggestions.