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Thread: Fanatsy World Map - Final Stage

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice bandersnatch's Avatar
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    Haha, yeah, i didnt thought i would get into this so deep, but its just super fun.
    I´m actually more into science too, i mean, i'll staart studying physics in Heidelberg soon.
    Nevertheless it seems that I'm developing an artistic interest too, lately.

    Thanks for the links, this fits perfect right now.
    Since i am kind of ready with the basic shapes, the projection/distortion, the tectonics, and some temperature & wind mesaurements, i´ll start developing the climate zones soon.
    I sticked to the non season model, and just tried to figure out how things could work.

    No, i definitely want a whole little planet

    Anyway, here some Pictures:
    Tectonics + Mountains: Blue = Acient Mountains, Turquis = Folding Mountains

    Tectonics + Vulcans: Red = Convergent, Yellow = Divergent, Orange = Hotspots

    Well that are just the temperatures

    That are the air movements, and the temperature of the ocean, i made some currents too already, they´re relatively similar to the air movement.

    I tried to figure out the air moisture here.

    This are the general air movements, and the pressure Zones: Green = Low, Orange = High

    This is the Map in the Fractal Terrains 3 Demo, i couldnt export anything showable since the resolution of the exported stuff is limited in the demo version. Cool tool anyway, i think i'll buy it.

    And thats the GProjector Projection. Great tool too.
    I´ll defenetly make some more Planets and Moons for the solar system at some time later. Not as detailed as this one of course.

    Well thats it so far, i'm not sure at all if this stuff is making any sense. I just tried to construct everything that its seems kind of logically to me.
    I didn't put any effort in the tectonic history, and i also know the vulcans arent all that realistic, especially the divergent ones, but i think a bit artistic freedom is allowed. ^^
    I also dont know anything about how tectonic movement comes to exist, so i doubt there is any logic behind the movements.

    I´ll get a little deeper into sea currents and air movement and will wait for some feedback of you guys, after i´ll improve what is to improve, then i'll go on to the actuall climate layout.
    Cant wait to make the height map and experiment with wilbur, too

    Ah, I also calculated the planetory features:

    Circumference 1.600,00 km
    Diameter 509,00 km
    Radius 254,50 km
    Rotation T 24,00 h
    Rotations V 66,67 km/h
    Mass 381.118.952.940.000 T
    Density 5,51 g/cm³
    Volume 69.168.594,00 km³

    Planet a 0,39 m/s^2

    Wel... maybe there is a super small black hole inside an ancient alien reactor inside the planet, so the garvity is kind of earth like. Of course its not right in the center, its a little bit displaced, so there´s kind of a gravity hotsopt some where in Neonia. '
    Idk, i think i may have to come up with something better. ;D
    There´s acutally no element heavy enought for creating the needed gravity with this measurments, so there has to be something astronomical / fantastical.
    Last edited by bandersnatch; 11-29-2017 at 03:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bandersnatch View Post
    This is the Map in the Fractal Terrains 3 Demo, i couldnt export anything showable since the resolution of the exported stuff is limited in the demo version. Cool tool anyway, i'll may buy it.
    Screenshots offer higher resolution than the FT demo exports, especially if you have a high-resolution monitor.

  3. #3
    Guild Novice bandersnatch's Avatar
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    Ah well, i didn't take that into account, i'll change that.
    Last edited by bandersnatch; 11-30-2017 at 09:45 AM.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    BTW, Waldronate designed Fractal Terrains, too...

    Wilbur- the freeware- is in many ways more powerful, but definitely not as polished. (As I mentioned the interface can be confusing, and in particular sometimes uses very formal image processing jargon instead of dumbed-down verbage.) I use Wilbur, but I bought Fractal Terrains to support Waldronate. Frankly, if you find yourself using Wilbur a lot it's sort of a dick move not to do something like that. If you just use it for one project it's probably not as important.

    Quote Originally Posted by bandersnatch View Post
    I didn't put any effort in the tectonic history, and i also know the vulcans arent all that realistic, especially the divergent ones, but i think a bit artistic freedom is allowed. ^^
    I also dont know anything about how tectonic movement comes to exist, so i doubt there is any logic behind the movements.
    Tectonics were one thing I didn't need for my project, so I never learned much about it, or I'd help you. And Azelor is the guru to ask about humidity, currents, climate, etc. As I mentioned before, though, with a small planet with odd temperature gradients I'm not certain how valid any advice would be.

    Quote Originally Posted by bandersnatch View Post
    Wel... maybe there is a super small black hole inside an ancient alien reactor inside the planet, so the garvity is kind of earth like. Of course its not right in the center, its a little bit displaced, so there´s kind of a gravity hotsopt some where in Neonia. '
    Idk, i think i may have to come up with something better. ;D
    There´s acutally no element heavy enought for creating the needed gravity with this measurments, so there has to be something astronomical / fantastical.
    A slug of neutronium would probably work, too. I read a neat novel once where the Earth was destroyed by dropping a (much smaller than you'd need) slug of neutronium and a slug of antineutronium into the planet. Both are dense enough that they actually orbited inside the planet until they lost enough energy through resistance to meet at the core, and BOOM!

    Dark matter or WIMPs are another option, and have the benefit of not requiring some sort of handwavium active maintenance system to not destroy the planet, unlike black holes or neutronium. They just co-exist in the same space as the planet without interacting with it except through gravitation. Then if you like the idea of variable gravity, as you seem to, so long as the load of dark matter/WIMPs was placed recently (on geological timescales, I mean) it could still be "sloshing" around, leading to the variable effect. This might also intermittently speed and slow the planet's rotation as well as precess and/or librate it, leading to very interesting astronomical observations.
    Last edited by acrosome; 11-30-2017 at 11:06 AM.

  5. #5
    Guild Novice bandersnatch's Avatar
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    Ah thats great! I also thought about "neutronium", but dark matter did,for some reason, not came to my mind I'll look into that, thanks.
    Wilbur- the freeware- is in many ways more powerful, but definitely not as polished. (As I mentioned the interface can be confusing, and in particular sometimes uses very formal image processing jargon instead of dumbed-down verbage.) I use Wilbur, but I bought Fractal Terrains to support Waldronate. Frankly, if you find yourself using Wilbur a lot it's sort of a dick move not to do something like that. If you just use it for one project it's probably not as important.
    Sure, i'm aware that both is Waldronates work and i'm sure he put a good amount of effort into the software, so as i already mentonied, i'll probably buy FT3. :-)

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