Hej Ilanthar!

Thanks for the blueprint! I really like the optics and asked my players for feedback. 70% of them agreed it is more scifi, more technical and edgy, looks cleaner and to some extent better! So thank you very much for the input.

The others argued that all the information coded into the colors now is missing and it could be that all the maps will look similar (which I don't mind, btw).

How did you do it? Just replaced the colorscheme in PS or did you actually needed some tinkering? I'd like to apply this style to the .AI file as well but am no Illustrator Pro, unfortunately.

I am thinking about having three styles at least for my campaign. A blueprint one like you did (for players slicing into databases to get ... well blueprints ... of buildings etc), a scan version like I used here and one "tactical" map for actual playing purposes. Maybe a bit more work but in the end I hope the readers of our website will appreciate it.