Hmmm... difficult. I'm not sure whether it made it better, worse, or just different.
The colours are dimmer. Maybe try one of Thomas's?
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No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Thanks for the comment, Thomas... sorry but what do you mean by « lighter » ? Lower opacity ?
I'm glad the surgery went OK and now I can’t wait to see all the maps you’ll bring us !
I shouldn’t rejoice of your illness, I know... let’s say I'm looking at the bright side ?
Take care !
Je veux dire plus clair, avec une luminosité accrueRejoice all you want
it's not easy to stay at a desk yet so I draw by hand (I finished my Inktober maps !) and try new things. How's your back BTW ?
Thanks for the advices : I made a lot of tests, with a lot of different parchments... Difficult to keep the character of the first parchment without the pixellisation. I tried a lot of different parchment, none of them had the "bumps" of the fiste one. I added some different parchment on top of the first one, tried different opacity levels... I tried to work on the light and contrast of both parchments... Finally, I arrived with this compromise. I think it's the best I can do with my poor knowledge of digital art... I hope the pixels are less showing and thant the character is still here (less strong, I think). Let me know what you think...
### Latest WIP ###
Khanat of Katlam 08.jpg
My back still hurts, but a bit less and less every day.... The most diffiult position is sitting (and that's frustrating, because I tried to use my computer and my wacom when I was laying... not possible) So I have half a dozen maps started on my Ipad, but I can't really finish them quickly, since I need PS to add labels and use some effects (as shading or stuff) Katlam is one of them... and it gets really frustrating !!! I try to limit my time sitting in front of computer, otherwise I pay it in the night... This back problem is an ordeal ! I definitely hope that you'll be over your knee problem soon !
Take care !
Oh Joel! I am so sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your back!
The parchment looks better-ish. There's still something a slight bit fuzzy about it though. I'm just thinking out loud here, but have you tried duplicating that layer and putting a dissolve effect on the top one? It probably won't work, but it might...
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
With a little delay, here's the result I had fellowing a little online tutorial for a dissolve effect on the duplicated layer of the parchment.... Let me know if it's what you had in mind, Mouse...
Khanat of Katlam 09.jpg
Unfortunately, it isn't working the way I thought it might. I was hoping that it would add noise that was sympathetic with the original canvas, but in such a way as to sharpen it without the usual side effects (weird linear and pixelated artefacts of having been over-sharpened).
Ok - my bad - not a good solution.
I've only got two more ideas, and they may or may not work at all.
First: Get rid of that dissolved layer and add a layer of pure noise just above the canvas, completely desaturate it, then use overlay and reduce the opacity until its barely noticeable. The idea is to try to add the missing detail - to make it look more 'sandy' if you like.
If that doesn't work, try using a canvas texture effect on a spare copy of the background. I have a feeling that will only make it look worse, though.
After that I'm all out of suggestions - sorry Joel!
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Thanks Mouse ! I've tried your 2 ideas, and I finally used a third one, sort of combination of all your ideas for this parchment so far : I made a duplicate of the parchment, I had the idea of moving to black and white to get rid of those red and green dot due to pixellisation, and then teinted it back in yellow-orange, lower opacity, and then, on top of that, I took one of your parchment at low opacity (thank you !) to soften a bit those bumps. I tried many other parchment, a layer with noise, I tried lots of blending type... So far, I think that's the best I cad do and I'll call this map done... even if I see very well that the pixellisation is disgracious when the map is zoomed in...
It's a matter of changing map, too..... Since I've lots of them to finish and that I can't sit in front of the computer as long as I would like.... I think I can't spend more hours with this map... maybe I'll get back to it when I get better ?
Last WIP
Khanat of Katlam 10.jpg