Thanks for your views, everyone!

@Mouse : I'm not surprise a lot of people are upset... This last update was the step-too-far for me... And yeah, you have to need money AND knowledges about IT stuffs, which is really not normal. To be frank, that next computer is gonna be a gift for my birthday+christmas. I don't have much resources as well...

@Southern Crane : Well, I got Win10 because I couldn't support Win8 anymore (and I didn't chose that one)...
Good points though, I'm gonna have a builded one, next, so I didn't thought about it, but yeah why not asking for Linux/Windows 7 (which was correct & fonctionnal if I remember well) - if that's possible.

@J.Edward : you're absolutely true. I'm growing more and more angry about those big companies which are turning our computers into terminals and which are trying to control everything... The free will is gonna be replaced by the "free product but no choices because the product is you"... Hopefully, there are some rebels that are still working to developp alternative solutions.

@Azelor : that would be awesome! I've just done the basic shapes for the shadows and it's very time consuming, though.