Quote Originally Posted by David South View Post
Hello Arimel!

This must have taken some time!

Some comments I had are:

The names are a bit on-the-nose. Green-Wood Forest, Stinking Swamp, The Unknown Lands, Sky Reach Mountains, Vacant Sea, all are pretty generic. Perhaps work on spicing up the names a bit.

The Sky Reach Mountains are a bit dark, and it took me a second to realize that there was text in them. Makes it a little distracting because there is so much going on.

I am not a fan of the compass rose. Perhaps that is just because my last name is a cardinal direction, but it seems too bland. I applaud not doing North at the top of the map, however.

A scale bar might be helpful as well so we can know what scale we are dealing with here.

Over all, I think you did a great job! Keep at it!

I must admit that this map did take quite a while to produce.
As for the names of the terrain, I must admit that that is something I tend to pick out on other maps I see and I have no clue how I missed it when drawing mine. This is certainly something I will try to remedy, or at least lessen, in the future.
As I mentioned in the description of the map, I was trying different methods of shading for my mountains, which is partially why one is (at least in my opinion) under shaded and the other one is over shaded. I will try to find the thin line between these two types of shading next time.
The compass rose in this map is bland. This is mostly a result of me wanting to finish the map and, as such, speeding past the last thing to draw. In the future, I will certainly try to have the compass rose at least come on the same level of detail as the rest of the map.
Finally, when drawing this map, I didn't put any thought into scale, which is why there is not one. It is something that I had been considering for my next map though, and your comment just helps to reinforce that point for me.

Thanks for the Feedback!