Okay. Here's the list of who was who in Chiezbehrg...
Ward of Chiezbehrg citizens and denizens

01. Larb - Ashmybral, traveling scribe
02. Diamond - Jahim Dimondi, wizard and grifter
03. Bogie - Sir Bogramal - subnuminary, lord of mahan
04. ChickPea - reeky bairn pub, Rubyan Pea, proprietor
05. Chashio - chashion, artisan of lands and minister of small things and stuff
06. Ilanthar - anthar lin, warehouser, trader and merchant
07. Arsheesh - philosopher’s mug, tadeesh dar, proprietor
08. Domino - dame inos’ qulle shoppe
09. Steffen Brand - cave of fen brande, outlander
10. Tainotim - timo vestain, architect of zahan
11. Lingon - oligon of elingroth, painter and food critic
12. Abu Lafia - mar bulafit, chronicler and bard
13. Warlin - wara lindos, watchman of zahan
14. Sapiento - sapaltro, wandering swordsman and lawyer
15. Tom [used to be Leso Peso] - tlepo estomo, the virtuoso ogre singer
16. Tonnichiwa - ihichi wato, chronicler of zahan
17. Pixie - ixipe lanas, geochronicler of zul-a-na
18. RedRobes - Raetor Rais of the crimson cloak
19. Greg [used to be GLS] - gealles mahni, artisan of mahan
20. Ilgoth - mahal gohti, artisan of zul
21. Falconius - falcanzi, the hawker hunter
22. Daniel Hasenbos - danis boshirel, craftsman of zul and one-time banker
23. Azelor - ahan-a-alezoril, seer of zahan
24. Snodsy - Ryskondys, chief engineer of zahan
25. Robbie - arcana, lord of zhan and guild
26. Meshon - shaemon tal, bard and chief wittieer of bogramal
27. TK - luishe takol, chief messenger of mahan
28. Josiah - hosijan, traveling artisan and cheese merchant
29. Mouse - musu murodenti, of coradeth, messenger of zahan
30. Wingshaw [used to be TheHoarseWhisperer] - aores the silent, whisperer and spirit guide
31. evile_eagle - evinegle, the birdier of guild
32. Ladiestorm - Midal Stor, of arolinor, outland artisan
33. Jalerym - jayal-eryhem, scryer of mahan
34. Chops - Loh, of norihopp and faraway
35. Poison - isa polidus, painter of tesh-in-reekz
36. Dark Infinity - drakin nef, of sendiri37. grahansar, of the grey rangers
38. Ranger - za’aniflas har, the undying
39. Voolf - olof vool, swordsman and accountant
40. Straf - afhnar, lord high-numpf, of liln-on-lale
41. Wired [stratomunchkin on other sites] - stratos, of wahiredin
42. Thomas [used to be thomrey] - hatam-reyes, scrivener of the ancients
43. Max - mahaxam, of lehyon, penman in residence
44. Corilliant - olian corith, taxman and author of accounting for loss
45. Jaxillon - ix of lonol, the elder, heir of xaln
46. it's so obvious jehedwar, inkman of the hudara; nomadic merchant, and one-time philosopher of the useless and worthless
47. JO - zvitzoel va, minister of finance
48. Vorropohaiah - narahaiah, of maltar, mediator of menekra
49. Naima - astenami, of Ylatin, notary services
50. Kacey - yeknal alcene, purveyor of haberdashery and contraband
51. Robulous - raibos ruitag, lord ermidak, ruler of nauhte
52. Eilathen - zvotalthen, professor of mathematics and nonsense
53. Fol2Dol - rodolin of foltuin, assassin of zul