Step 1: Creating the Terrain Tablet

I have now begun this process (actually I have been researching for a while but have now started drawing). I have decided that the terrains and icons that I would like to prepare for this projects are:

-A coast style that is easily adaptable to many situations (both small lakes & large oceans)
-An ocean texture for areas that are especially empty. I am not sure if I will draw something that will turn out nice in black and white so this one may be skipped later.
-Bluffs/cliffs both on coasts and on land.
-Fjords. I have very few ideas at the moment on how I could accomplish this one. I have a feeling I will be using google earth to scout the Norwegian fjords for a while.
-Reefs, both coral & other. For this one I might need a different texture for the different types. Again I am unsure so this one may be dropped
-Deserts. While this includes the commonly seen sand deserts, I would also want to be able to depict a difference between sand, bedrock, pebble, and badlands deserts.
Forests: For this one I am being rather ambitious so this may also be difficult. I would like textures for jungles/rain forests, deciduous forests, taiga forests (coniferous), shrub lands/Mediterranean terrain, and finally, small copses of trees. As I said, a lot of types.
-Glaciers. I have never seen a map that was not in color that gave a really nice looking glacier so I am setting that challenge for myself. Also, I would like to be able to draw glacial cave entrances in glaciers. There are a few other glacier related land forms I would also like to include.
-Grasslands: I would like to include slight differences for prairie, savannah, and steppe grasslands (though steppe & prairie are basically the same thing I think)
-Plateaus and Mesas
-Mountains, including a way to make a mountain pass more visible without necessarily needing to label it as a pass.
-Hills & domes. These will be tricky because I want to find a way to draw these under the textures of forests & grasslands. I am not sure if this will be possible but I will give it a shot.
-Archipelagos: Just finding a way to draw an appropriate amount of islands & working the coastal lines around them.
-Tundra: Again, I have not seen a really good depiction of this and would like to create a style that fits to me.
-River Delta
-A few various rock formations
-Swamps, marshes, bayous, & bogs: There are slight differences between these 4 that I would like to be apparent on the map
-Last of all, volcanic features, including geysers, volcanoes, & lava fields.
-Later I have plans for different types of structures but those can wait for now...

That is the list. It will take me a while to complete so I will post images of a few of the features as I finish them. Although I am probably overdoing my preparation in this it is a step that I would like to complete to feel more secure later.

Should anyone have any ideas of features I may have missed please let me know!