Just to be fair to Microsoft ...
The company announced this issue two months before the new update was released and sent it out in news releases to all the standard media. Among other places, this was published in articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian in London and the Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in Germany, to name doubtless but a few. It also was in our smaller local newspaper, Fränkischer Tag in Bamberg. Those are the articles that I read personally.
There are things that Windows 10 Fall Creator Edition can do that some (and not all) HP laptops can't handle. Microsoft made the decision to include these elements and exclude the HP laptops. Good decision? Bad decision? Y'all can have your own opinion on that.
However ... I can't imagine how Microsoft could have been more fair in warning about its decision. And those who have sensible settings on their Windows 10 computers have the ability to reject the update before it starts. So ... I can't see this as being a typical Microsoft run-over-the-customer operation, but rather, one that was handled rather well. Nice for a change!