Thanks for all of the posts and support so far. In answer to them:


I did consider using posterboard/paper. I have turned away from it due to the same reasons I wanted to use it, the size. I do not have easy access to a scanner, let alone one large enough to scan a piece of paper of that size. Also, the cameras I have access to (computer & ipad) would not be able to get an image of a map that i would be happy with (they would have shadows & strange lighting as well as a loss of the details).

In response to your first post:
I would like to start by changing my answer slightly. First of all, thanks for telling me about Erwin Raisz. Although I could only find one of his maps when I searched the internet, my library contained one of his books (General Cartography). It may have been published in 1938 and, at least from how difficult it was to retrieve, never been borrowed before, but it has been a treasure trove in helping me to formulate my ideas for this. On the matter of projection, I will be following a geometric-esk style, trying to show the different terrains in a slightly 3D style and with shading. This will then be laid on a Echert IV projection. This style does not seem to overly warp the map and seems possible to draw/design by hand. It is also a style I am familiar with.
In response to your second post:
I will certainly keep an eye on Elterio Delgard's thread, though it seems to follow a different type of terrain style than I am going for. As for the fantastic maps blog and torstan's post, I had seen both before and they contain several different posts that I have used for inspiration before, and will probably use again for this map.
In response to your third post:
Thank you for all of the help in this section. Some of it I had picked up on in my research but several of the points I had not (ex. tundras contained so many sub-types of terrains). Also, your ideas for hills are very helpful. I think I will go with the third or fourth point (i had never thought of using shading for hills like this before) but I will need to test them first and see if I can make them look good.
The other terrain suggestions are also useful. I think that it would make sense to have a different symbol for redwood forests since they have a rather large height difference to other types of forests. The bamboo forest is another cool idea that I will certainly try to incorporate. As for the mangrove, I probably will group them together with a bayou symbol. Based on what I've read, the
general terrain does not seem that different, just the trees it would contain. I very well could be incorrect here so please do correct me if I am wrong.
I do have one question from the post though. You mentioned there was a difference between coniferous & taiga terrains. From what you said boreal/coniferous forests are dense, but slowly get more sparse & short as one nears the tundra/poles. In this case, what would the taiga biome be? I envisioned this being what happened to both types of forests.


Also, I will probably (hopefully) be able to upload my first set of terrains this weekend for criticism.