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Thread: Warning about HP Laptops - incompatibility with Win 10 Creators Update

  1. #201


    I remember thinking my Atari 520ST was just the most powerful and beautiful thing on Earth

    Yes - you're right. I miss-typed above. Its a 16GB thumb drive

  2. #202
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    normally that is NOT a screw up
    and 9.9999999 times out of 10 the Noveau driver works just fine for most people and for the system install

    unless you do not RTFM and try to replace Nouveau with the nvidia driver and did not read the instructions

    ubuntu and mint can do things a bit differently than Debian

    fedora has a bit of a different set up than redhat
    and suse dose it's own thing - so much so that YOU NEED to RTFM

    if you blacklist Nouveau and did not rebuild the boot image after rebooting into text only and reboot again ..........

    normally you use the package manager to install the nvidia driver IN your OS's software repositories


    you did not know you have a optimums CPU/GPU combo in the laptop and tried to install the NON bumblebee driver

    as for AMD cards -- i do not use them but the default open driver is AUTO installed as system install
    -- NOT the AMD closed source driver from the AMD web site

    if you want to use that one you ALSO need to rebiuld the boot image

    [Backs away slowly, speaking in a soft voice...]

    Whoa there, Jon.

    As I said, the only time I had any issue at all was with weird hardware- Panasonic Toughbooks. The wizard didn't work; I did not try to install any sort of driver that the wizard didn't do automagically. And after some screwing around and (as you put it) RTFM I actually fixed the problem with a Nvidia driver IIRC. Wait, or was it? I know I tried a Nvidia driver at some point but maybe it didn't work either. Hell, I can't remember. So, to recap: long time ago, weird hardware, problem fixed easily enough.

    Switch to decaf, brother.

    The Tigers suck.

    Oh, and thanks yet again for that help with the Venus maps! You're awesome.
    Last edited by acrosome; 12-14-2017 at 11:14 AM.

  3. #203
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
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    Ouch!... my current laptop is an HP... but it had Win 10 on it when I bought it. Of course, I don't have a Wacom tablet (I assume these are laptops where you can remove the screen to become a tablet).

    I've actually been thinking about checking into removing Windows 10 from my laptop and installing XP, or 7. I admit, I DO NOT like Windows 10... the OS is so big, it's slow on general principles.

    I will keep this in mind when the next OS comes out... because if your HP isn't compatible with Windows 10, mine will probably be incompatible with the next Microsoft Program that comes out.
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  4. #204


    Hi Storm

    Its only certain models that are incompatible with it. Since yours came with Win 10 preinstalled its likely that you will be perfectly fine. And if it isn't, then take it back to whoever sold it to you and demand a refund!

    Not all Wacom tablets are screen devices. Mine is just a flat black pad about A5 size that plugs in via a USB port. Its a bit like having a very large touch pad that you draw on with a special pen. Its not terribly useful in CC3, but I would be lost without it in GIMP and Krita these days.

  5. #205


    Oh I am a dolt!

    Of course the drivers in Mint are going to be fine for the display and everything. The live boot wouldn't have worked if they weren't.

    This was a point made by Monsen, over on the PF site.

    I didn't know whether to blush or die laughing at myself

    So now its all about size - what numbers to put in this thing when it appears

    What I want to do:

    Run Krita and GIMP (maybe also Blender and other graphics apps that are RAM hungry) in as small a Mint partition as is feasible for the job.

    All user files will continue to be created and stored in the Windows partition.

    Anyone brave enough to suggest any numbers?

  6. #206


    *bites bullet*

    Allow 50GB hard drive space for Mint plus recommended graphics programs (don't forget to install Inkscape as well as GIMP, Blender and Krita!)

  7. #207


    Thank you, Non Serviam

    Anyone else got a bid?

    EDIT: Sorry if I have upset anyone by pinching the image to show it here, but I can't explain what I mean when I say I'm confused without looking at it directly.


    Remember that I'm such a dunce I don't understand really what any of those things are. Straf has very kindly tried to explain them to me in a PM, but I'm afraid its all still a muddle in my head. There are 4 figures I have to work out on that screen.

    Eg, if I decide to go for 50GB partition, what figure would I put in which of those 4 places above? And then what about the rest.

    (for anyone who's forgotten I have 4GB RAM and a 500GB disc)
    Last edited by Mouse; 12-14-2017 at 03:12 PM.

  8. #208
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    Ignore Linux-Swap for now, just leave it as it is. It's a sort of virtual memory and 8GB is fine, I think.

    NTFS is the current standard Windows filesystem; it is proprietary, and it replaced the older FAT and HPFS if you are familiar with those. But as you now know, Linux can read it. In fact, Linux can read most filesystems.

    Obviously DO NOT check the "format" toggle next to the NTFS partitions or you will clobber them.

    EXT4 is the Linux filesystem. Windows cannot read it.

    So as shown, you are making your Linux partition 1.5TB and your Windows partition 524GB. If that's what you want to do, drive on.

    But are you sure that you only have a 500GB disk? Because that says 2.0TB ATA drive. I think you have a 2TB drive, Sister. I wonder if you were only using a 524GB partition for Windows already. If that was indeed the case Windows would only "see" the 524GB partition and would have told you that that's how big the drive is. Did you buy the computer used or something?

    I'm not sure why that little 105MB Windows partition is there, but I assume that it is something that already exists on your system and the Wizard is just preserving it. It says that it is "Windows 7 loader", whatever the hell that is.

    You backed up everything truly important, right?
    Last edited by acrosome; 12-14-2017 at 04:48 PM.
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  9. #209


    That's the example image from the installation instructions, not my system. I wish mine was even half as big as that one

    So if I'm getting this right in my head now (sigh... I'm so slow at this), the top three will just automatically appear with the right numbers in them because they already exist, and the only one I really need to mess around with is the one that's highlighted in green?

    How many MB in 40 GB? (so I can put the exactly right number in that green slot). I think that should be enough for a couple of years while I'm saving up for a bigger computer.

    is it 1000 x 40? I don't understand why there is such an odd number in that example - '1468005'. What's that all about?

  10. #210
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    OK, now I'm tracking- not your system. So you'll probably have THREE partitions to worry about: NTFS, Linux-Swap, and EXT4.

    No, you'll have to tell the system how large you want your partitions. Because right now Windows takes up your entire drive. It looks like you highlight one in green then click the "change" button, and you'll be able to enter the partition size that you want. Or maybe you can grab and slide the bar graph.

    The mega-, giga- tera-byte thing is approximately a x1000 difference. But not perfectly. To be perfectly accurate a kilobyte is 1024 bytes, for technical reasons, so the numbers aren't perfect multiples of 1000. And megabyte is 1048576 bytes. Any answer you get to "How many bytes in a megabyte" is going to depend upon how much of a purist the person you asked is. They are pretty close though.

    EDIT-- hang on, I'll go find the Mint 18.3 installation instructions...

    EDIT AGAIN--- Here is a video of an installation alongside of an existing Windows 10 installation. The interface in the video, at least, lets you just grab and slide the bar graph. It looks very different to what you posted, though. It's at 0:56 in the video. They made the user interface pretty idiot-proof; it doesn't even show the swap partition, but if you want to monkey with it there is an "advanced partition management" button. Maybe the picture that you posted above was that?

    So... just use the easy system.
    Last edited by acrosome; 12-14-2017 at 05:11 PM.
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