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Thread: Warning about HP Laptops - incompatibility with Win 10 Creators Update

  1. #281
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    It seems to me to be a bit of a risky thing to mount the windows partition in a writable state anyway.

    But to turn off the hibernate you need to boot up windows and go in and set the shutdown type and remove the fast boot from there and then _really_ shut it down. Like a lot of things the MO of windows (and a lot of other consumer stuff) nowadays is to tell you one thing but actually do another.

    Presumably once that has been done then you could mount the partition in linux.

    If you want to know about the ro option then open a terminal and type:

    man mount

    which will bring up the manual for the mount command. The -r option will mount it read only but I suspect that it talking about the options to the fstab file which holds all of the mount options. Were starting to get a bit technical now but then your into mounting a partition which is not a small thing any more.

    So with your terminal still open type:

    cat /etc/fstab

    and look at the file. If you want to edit it to add the entry for the mount partition and make that read only option then you need to run an editor like:

    sudo vi /etc/fstab


    sudo nano /etc/fstab

    If this is too deep then I would suggest not mounting the windows partition. Its not a particularly sensible thing to do. If your able its better to take your map files over to a USB drive and then access it from both windows and linux that way. Or use a network and share a folder on windows and use linux to read and write through it. Or make a third partition on your hard drive which is your user data and format it ntfs and put your work there and then mount that read write in linux.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 12-19-2017 at 11:36 AM.

  2. #282


    I did turned the fas boot off and turned the computer off (completely off)... Still not working.
    But yeah, I think you're right, it's a minor point & I'm probably gonna use my external harddisk for temporary things (like music) and transfer on my Linux part the files I need for working my maps.

    Thanks for the help!

  3. #283


    Red - is the reason I'm not having that particular problem down to the way that I installed Mint 'alongside' Windows, rather than doing a 'something else' installation?

    EDIT: I can see everything, and I can also write to the Win partition from Linux. The only upshot of that is that Win seems to be aware that something has changed the next time I boot Win, and I get all this disc checking stuff going on.

    To prevent all that fuss I simply grab the file I want and save it in the Linux partition to work on it, then when I'm finished with it I put it on USB and reload it to the Win partition from the stick to keep the space clear in my much smaller Linux partition. I don't have to do it that way, but it stops all the checking.
    Last edited by Mouse; 12-19-2017 at 12:21 PM.

  4. #284
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    It should be possible to mount the windows partition if you want to but you run the risk that if its writable then you may write something somewhere and windows will have an issue booting up. Windows has its own file and securitypermissions to prevent you from writing stuff into certain locations. By mounting the windows partition you bypass all windows permissions as its not running the show. If you can put your data on its own partition then naturally you would then want it read-write.

    So by reading from the windows partition and then writing to a USB stick and then booting windows and putting the stick in and taking the file off thats the same as using a USB drive and mounting the windows partition readonly which is a more sensible option. I certainly would not want windows having write access to a linux partition thats for sure.

    I know we dont have money and space for multiple computers but I think its better to have a windows machine and a linux machine and then hook them both to your LAN and get both to see each other using network file sharing. Then you can go to your windows box find the file, copy it to your share and then pick it up in linux and then write it back to the share. Its nice and clean that way. If you have a USB drive then its about the same but you have to keep rebooting into windows to move the file. Not a huge deal but its nice to keep all your working windows open.

    I copied all of my windows work to a USB hard drive which serves as my master data backup and now I barely ever boot the windows machine because if I need to read the windows file then I just look at the USB drive copy of it. My USB drive is the master copy of everything. Anything on a PC is a temporary copy or work in progress. I make a point of not becoming reliant on windows apps any more and now barely every boot the windows machine. The app I miss the most is Paint Shop Pro but I can grit my teeth and put up with Gimps quirks tho it sometimes drives me crazy. A lot of apps I write myself but I have not got around to porting ViewingDale but it runs perfectly under Wine so I have no incentive. All the zoomy maps here were done with it running under Wine. We must ask JonV to tell us how he got Wilbur running under Wine too. I tried quickly but with no success but I am not a big user of it so its not urgent for me.

  5. #285



    Please, John, can you tell us how to run Wilbur in Linux?

    If anyone also happens to know how to get Genetica to run on Linux that would also be really cool...

  6. #286


    I have a big USB drive, so I'm gonna be like you, red. I kept Windows precisely for Paint Shop Pro 7, Sketchup & Wilbur, most notably.

    I'm transfering my recent files, right now...
    It's kinda strange, I'm being kickedout of the guild with no reasons, it seems.
    Last edited by Ilanthar; 12-19-2017 at 01:07 PM.

  7. #287



    You mean kicked out of this place?!!!!

  8. #288
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Check browser cookies and get rid of the guild one. Then log in and check the keep me logged in box. Should be good after that I think. Also make sure its:
    because the www bit on it had an issue like that a while back with the cookie or some other configuration.

  9. #289


    Idk, the site is running low, right now...

    Seems to be better! i just had to complain. Thanks, your trick may have solved the problem, Red.

  10. #290


    This is the root of all my Win 10 problems:

    Download nightmare.jpg

    There are three updates that I have successfully blocked by setting my broadband link to 'metered'. Unfortunately for me I need the top one, since I rely on Windows Defender for AV. I can't ignore it. I have to click retry. That will have the effect of automatically downloading and installing all of them, not just the AV app update.

    This lack of user control and choice is why I'm in the process of going Linux, starting with a dual boot system.

    EDIT: btw - Mint is doing splendidly. If I can just figure a way of using Genetica in Mint without having to buy the software all over again, I'd get rid of Windows altogether. Everything else is either already working fine in Mint, or transferrable... once I get my head wrapped around WINE!
    Last edited by Mouse; 12-21-2017 at 08:28 AM.

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