Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
good plan ! It reminds me of Cyrodiil (elder scroll) !
Looking forward to see next step
Yeah, I can see that. I must replay one of those at some point!

Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
This is looking great Greg! Great idea for this challenge.
Cheers, Tony!

Quote Originally Posted by DanielHasenbos View Post
That's a very nice first design Greg! Looking forward to seeing this city develop!
Thanks, Dan, though alas it won't be the same style as my Aes map.

Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Some of those buildings have been cut in half by the draft canals and things! Great idea, though.

Looking forward to the development
Haha, everyone loves cut in half, stupidly small pointless buildings!

Quote Originally Posted by ZoraSpringer View Post
The first thing that jumped to my eye with this one was the name "Aldengard" - because first I read "Albengard" - which is a city within my own universe as well.
Anyway, about the map: It's really nice! :O I am wondering how it will look now when it's done... Really looking forward to it
Haha, how weird!

Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I love the two moons, they give a great sense of symmetry and harmony to the map.
Thanks, Thomas, yeah, they certainly offer a bit of balance to some of the asymmetry of the sprawl.

Okay, here's an update. Added the slums in, tracked out some rough central roads, added some border stuff, and placed some outer hill shadows.

### Latest WIP ###
Austin City Map Guild Update.jpg