Hey folks,

Ive been keeping my eye on Cartographers Guild for a few years now, however I have never really got involved. I dont know why that is really, the community here is great I guess I was just being a little shy? Who knows! Well a little about me maybe.. Im from Scotland, Ive been drawing maps for just over a year now. I started doing it the way most people started, through DnD. After a while, my players enjoyed my maps and they prompted me to start selling some work on Roll20, soon after Chibbin Grove was born!

The thing I really love about map making is there is no real limit. You can come from any background, any skill level and there is something for you work with. I dont know many mediums that have that same quality. The other thing about making maps is the stories! Which I guess thats why i ties in well with fantasy pen and paper games.

Apart from map making, I spend most my spare time playing games and wrestling with my dog!

Overall, Id just like to say the community here has always had a real place in my heart, even though its took me nearly 2 years to actually come and say hello. Keep up the good work, and continue to inspire more map makers in the feature.