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Thread: Thera and Surrounding Areas

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Wip Thera and Surrounding Areas


    This is a map based off an area of a Minecraft server I decided to do as practice for a larger scale project, drawing the server in its entirety. I made all the names for this map except for Thera and Sporesprout, which is mostly a first time thing for me! I just wanted to get some critique on it, some opinions, feedback, anything I could do to make it better etc. before I go and finish it up digitally! I'm going to add a compass at the bottom and a little description box in the top right so don't worry about the absence of either of those =P

    Also! I wanted to get some advice on how I should go about coloring this, if possible. I've already decided I'm going to do it digitally, but should I make it colorful, with watercolor or something of the sort, or should I just touch it up to look yellow and old, like a scroll? And do you think the outline is fine, or should I try and make it softer, or just get rid of it entirely (would probably look good with watercolor)?

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    I really like the style you have here, making all of the different biomes immediately recognizable (esp. the mushroom island). There are a few things that I think could make it better though.

    In this version of the map, the Therian Sea looks rather blank and yet it covers a rather large portion of the image. Although, I know I tend to overcrowd my waters so this could just be me. Anyways, should you add the compass and text as you plan, this should fill a good bit of that area.
    One more thing that you may want to add later on is a scale bar so it is easier to see how large the distances really are.

    Also, I am unsure what "border" you were meaning at the end of your post. I am guessing the island/continent border since I could not see one surrounding the image. Your current continent borders are really neat, seeing as they change thickness and yet still clearly define the continents but this may make it difficult later to display different types of coastlines (like a cliff/bluff), though I dont know if this is something that you will find important.

    As for your other questions, I think it relies heavily on personal preference and how you want the map to look, whether colored or scroll-like. The what's and how's involved in that though I will leave for someone else, seeing as I have no knowledge of digitally editing maps.

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